Northeast Ohio

The Northeast Ohio Health Information Management Association covers the zip code range of 44000-44199 and includes the following counties: Erie, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, Ashtabula. View NOHIMA's Bylaws.
NOHIMA Education Meeting Tuesday, February 11, 2025 *Virtual Zoom Meeting 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Complete the Membership Form to become a member of NOHIMA or renew your NOHIMA Membership. You may mail a check or pay online via the PayPal link below.
LEADERSHIP FY24-25 Board of Directors
President Jessica Bryan, RHIT
President-Elect Alonzo Blackwell, RHIA
Past President Erin Reuscher, RHIA
Treasurer Joseph Laurienzo, RHIA
Secretary Kathy Loflin, RHIA
1st Year Director Irma Corbin, CMBS, CHSM, CAHI, CMRS, LSS BB, CMM, CTR
1st Year Director Shelia Robertson, BAS, RHIA
2nd Year Director Britney Bodnar, RHIA
2nd Year Director Open