OHIMA Volunteers Needed for FY25-26! 

The OHIMA Board of Directors is comprised of elected officers, directors, delegates, and committee chairmen. Goals and objectives are established at the beginning of each year to align OHIMA's efforts and endeavors with the 2023-2026 OHIMA Strategic Plan. As a project leader, committee member or other volunteer, you would assist OHIMA in accomplishing our goals for the organization, the membership and the HI profession. Become a Project Leader or a Committee Member by completing the Volunteer Form by April 18th. You will be contacted about project/committee assignments in June.

**New this year - The OHIMA Board is aligning projects and committees with the pillars of "Educate, Advocate and Engage" from the 2023-2026 OHIMA Strategic Plan
In the Call for Volunteers form, indicate which pillar interests you most - and if you prefer to be a Project Leader or Committee Member (review differences of each role below). The OHIMA Executive Board will work with Project Leaders and Committees to define specific activities in June/July.  

VIEW Frequently Asked Questions about being an OHIMA Volunteer

Project Leaders vs. Committee Members

The goals and objectives set forth at the beginning of each association year are the strategies comprising the OHIMA Strategic Plan. Each strategy has a course of action or project to assist in carrying out its goals. The status and progress of projects are reviewed and discussed at each Board meeting.


Project Leaders are assigned to work on a specific project/strategy under the direction of an elected Board Member. Project Leaders attend OHIMA Board Meetings (which are in-person) and are part of the Full Board (without voting rights; only elected OHIMA Board Members have voting rights). 


Committee Members serve on an assigned committee in order to accomplish a goal - such as selecting the recipients of a scholarship or brainstorming and providing ideas for a new endeavor. The time commitment for a committee member is less than that of a Project Leader. Committee Meetings are fully virtual. 

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Frequently Asked Questions - Volunteers

What exactly is a Project Leader?

A Project Leader is a volunteer member of the OHIMA Board of Directors who is assigned a project in order to accomplish a goal of a strategy. Project Leaders work with their assigned Strategy Manager, an elected member of the Executive Board.

What is a Committee Member?

A Committee Member is a volunteer member of OHIMA but not a member of the Board of Directors. Committee Members serve on an assigned committee in order to accomplish a goal - such as selecting the recipients of a scholarship, or brainstorming and providing ideas for a new endeavor (for example, a group of students and new graduate volunteers formed a committee last year to assist OHIMA in coming up with ideas for the Student & New Graduate track at the OHIMA Annual Meeting).

What are the benefits of serving as a volunteer?

There are many benefits to serving as a volunteer, including personal growth, networking, and giving back to the association. Project Leaders who successfully complete a project get one day of their registration fee waived to attend the OHIMA Annual Meeting.

How much time commitment is involved with becoming a Project Leader or Committee Member?

For Project Leaders - it depends on the project, but usually, no more than 10 hours total for the project itself (over the course of the year) - plus the time spent participating in Board Meetings. See below for information on board meetings.

For Committee Members - it is less of a time commitment than being a Project Leader (being a Committee Member is a great place to start if you haven't volunteered before!). Most committees have two or three 1-hour conference calls per year.

How many Board meetings are you asked to attend as Project Leader?

There will be two face-to-face full Board meetings that Project Leaders are expected to attend (on Friday in late August and the Sunday afternoon before the annual conference). Both meetings will be held in Columbus. Project Leaders are also asked to participate in the online board orientation in July (will be open for several weeks to complete at your convenience).

Are the face-to-face Board meetings formal?

No, business casual dress is always encouraged when attending the Board meetings. Though much business is discussed at the meetings, the atmosphere is relaxed.

How long do I serve as Project Leader or Committee Member?

The commitment is for 1 year. The association year begins on July 1, 2025 and runs through June 30, 2026. You can also choose to remain as Project Leader for multiple years! Sign up annually in the Call for Volunteers (which has a deadline in April/May each year). 

I really have not been involved with anything on the state level, can I still volunteer?

Absolutely! Just complete the online volunteer form on the previous page and you will be contacted about how you can serve. Although it is a volunteer position, one of the most important qualities of a good Project Leader or Committee Member is the ability to commit to and follow through on a project.

I am currently a student, can I serve as Project Leader?

We appreciate and encourage student involvement! Depending on your experience, we may utilize your skills as a committee member or on other tasks throughout the year. When completing the volunteer form, please indicate your student status and we will let you know where we need you!

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