The Ohio health information management associations, Greater Cincinnati and Miami Valley, have combined to become SWOHIMA!
The Southwest Health Information Management Association covers the zip code range of 45000-45599 and includes the following counties: Brown, Butler, Clark, Clermont, Clinton, Darke, Greene, Hamilton, Highland, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Shelby, and Warren. Bylaws coming soon.
Check back soon!
Complete the Membership Form to become a member of SWOHIMA.
LEADERSHIP FY24-25 Board of Directors
President Angela James, MBA, RHIA, CCS
President-Elect Renee Schmitz, M.Ed, RHIA, CCS, HCS-D
Past President Chantel Brown, RHIA, CDEO
Treasurer Julie Gallihugh, RHIT
Director, Membership Brandy Bakker, RHIT
Director, Professional Networking Leigh Turner, RHIT
Director, Special Projects Ann Gingell, RHIA
Director, Fall Seminar Claudia Potts, MSM, RHIA
Director, Spring Seminar Erin Morrow, RHIA, CCS
Sinclair College HIM Student Liaison Janice Dennis
Cincinnati State HIM Student Liaison Ashton Rose